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Is Second-Hand Smoke Worse Than Smoking?

What Is Second-Hand Smoke? For many of us, smoke is what it is. There’s no difference between first and second-hand smoke. Or is there? Second-hand smoke has its name for a reason. It’s smoke from tobacco products that we don’t inhale directly. It’s smoke we inhale when others light up 

Most exposure to second-hand smoke happens in homes where a family member is a heavy smoker. It also happens in workplaces where colleagues are chain smokers. People are susceptible to smoke inhalation in public places. Is Second-Hand Smoke Worse Than Smoking?

Health Effects Children and adults may suffer from the effects of passive smoking. 1. Health Effects On Young Children A. Ear infections

According to the CDC, children exposed to second-hand smoke are susceptible to ear infections. B. Asthma

The centre has also found that children of active smokers had more frequent asthma attacks. C. Respiratory Symptoms and infections Children also experienced breathlessness upon inhaling second-hand smoke. They contracted infections like bronchitis, according to the center. D. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Children who breathe in tobacco smoke involuntarily tend to die of unclear causes. 2. Health Effects on Adults A. Heart Disease The CDC has found that second-hand smoke accounts for more than 34 000 deaths from heart disease. B. Lung Cancer Is Second-Hand Smoke Worse Than Smoking? The Answer Is Yes Second-hand smokers may suffer more consequences of smoke inhalation than active smokers. Here’s why according to science. 1. Increased RIsk of Lung Cancer First of all, passive smoking puts a person at risk of lung cancer. Scientists and Researchers have conducted over 50 studies on passive smoking. Many of them show that the spouses of smokers have an increased risk of lung cancer compared with themselves. The danger, in general, stands a 20% for men and 30% for women. 2. Childhood Cancers There is no consistent relation between childhood cancer and involuntary smoking. However, there is a link between smoking during pregnancy and metastasis in infants, 3. Cancer in Animals There is some evidence that second-hand smoke may cause cancer in animals. Researchers tested a mixture of 89% sidestream smoke and 11% mainstream smoke on mice that were susceptible to tumors. The combination triggered tumors in Swiss Mice. What To Do About Second-hand Smoke? Second-hand smoke doesn’t have to leave us helpless. There’s plenty we can do to eliminate it. 1. Quit First of all, make a conscious decision to stop smoking. Doing so helps to protect the health of your family members. 2. Disallowing smoking Also, forbid smoking in your home. You’ll play a part in boosting everyone’s health. Don’t allow anyone to smoke in your car, even with the windows rolled down. 3. Smoke-Free Schools Ensure that your children’s schools and Day Care Centres are tobacco-free. Seeking out restaurants and other places that do not allow smoking (if your state still allows smoking in public areas). 4. Eat At Smoke-Free Restaurants Have your meals at smoke-free restaurants. You’ll play a part in promoting tobacco-free environments. 5. Teach your children about second-hand smoke Remind your children to stay away from people when they smoke. 6. Role Modeling Finally, set a good example. You can’t tell others not to smoke when you do so yourself. In all, the answer to is second-hand smoke worse than smoking is evident, but not discouraging. There’s a lot all of us can do to keep our surroundings smoke-free, and protect our lives. References:

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